číslo produktu:213321
rezervujRok vydania: 2009
Vydavateľ: Black Swan
When Nathan McCann discovers a newborn baby boy half-buried in the woods, he assumes he's found a tiny dead body. But then the baby moves, and in one remarkable moment Nathan's life is changed forever.
The baby is sent to grow up with his grandmother, but Nathan is compelled to pay her a visit. He asks for one simple promise - that one day she will introduce the boy to Nathan and tell him, 'This is the man who found you in the woods.'
Years pass and Nathan assumes that the old lady has not kept her promise, until one day an angry, roubled boy arrives on his doorstep with a suitcase...
Vydavateľstvo: Black Swan
Rok vydania: 2009
Počet strán: 512
Formát: 130 x 195
ISBN: 978-0-552-77572-4
EAN: 9780552775724
Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu
Orientačná váha: 361 g
Jazyk: en
Originálny názov: When I Found You