Three Cheers, Secret Seven
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Three Cheers, Secret Seven

The Secret Seven 8

Enid Blyton

Rok vydania: 2009

Vydavateľ: Hodder Children's Books

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O knihe:

When Peter and Jack search for their lost model aeroplane in the garden of an abandoned house, they see a gas-fire alight in one of the rooms. Who is hiding there and why? It looks like the Seven have another interesting case to solve.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Hodder Children's Books

Rok vydania: 2009

Edícia: The Secret Seven

Zväzok: 8

Počet strán: 138

Formát: 125 x 195

ISBN: 978-0-340-68098-8


EAN: 9780340680988

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 104 g

Jazyk: en

Ilustroval: Bruno Kay