The Sunday Philosophy Club
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The Sunday Philosophy Club

Isabel Dalhousie 1

Alexander McCall Smith

Rok vydania: 2008

Vydavateľ: Abacus

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O knihe:

Nothing captures the charm of Edinburgh like the bestselling Isabel Dalhousie series of novels featuring the insatiably curious philosopher and woman detective. Whether investigating a case or a problem of philosophy, the indefatigable Isabel Dalhousie, one of fiction–™s most richly developed amateur detectives, is always ready to pursue the answers to all of life–™s questions, large and small. In this first installment, Isabel is attending a concert in the Usher Hall when she witnesses a man fall from the upper balcony. Isabel can–™t help wondering whether it was the result of mischance or mischief. Against the best advice of her no-nonsense housekeeper Grace, her bassoon playing friend Jamie, and even her romantically challenged niece Cat, she is morally bound to solve this case.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Abacus

Rok vydania: 2008

Edícia: Isabel Dalhousie

Zväzok: 1

Počet strán: 298

Formát: 130 x 195

ISBN: 978-0-349-11869-7


EAN: 9780349118697

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 242 g