číslo produktu:44374
rezervujRok vydania: 2008
Vydavateľ: Abacus
V prípade dlhodobého záujmu si urobte REZERVÁCIU a my vám odložíme žiadaný kus.
Dark family secrets and a long-lost love affair lie at the heart of Iain Banks's fabulous new novel. The Wopuld family built its fortune on a board game called Empire! - now a hugely successful computer game. So successful, the American Spraint Corp wants to buy the firm out. Young renegade Alban, who has been evading the family clutches for years, is run to ground and persuded to attend the forthcoming family gathering - part birthday party, part Extraordinary General Meeting - convened by Win, Wopuld matriarch and most powerful member of the board, at Garbadale, the family's highland castle. Being drawn back into the bosom of the clan brings a disconcerting confrontation with Alban's past. What drove his mother to take her own life? And is he ready to see Sophie, his beautiful cousin and teenage love? Grandmother Win's revelations wll radically alter Alban's perspective for ever.
Vydavateľstvo: Abacus
Rok vydania: 2008
Počet strán: 390
Formát: 125 x 200
ISBN: 978-0-349-11928-1
EAN: 9780349119281
Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu
Orientačná váha: 158 g
Jazyk: en