The Secret Pilgrim
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The Secret Pilgrim

Smiley 8

John le Carré

Rok vydania: 1991

Vydavateľ: Coronet Books

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O knihe:

The Berlin wall is toppled, the Iron Curtain swept aside.
The Secret Pilgrim is Ned, a decent, loyal soldier of the Cold War, who has been in British Intelligence - the Circus - all his adult life. Now, approaching the end of his career, he is forced by the explosions of change to revisit his secret years.
Ned illuminates the brave past and even braver present of the legendary George Smiley, his hero and mentor, who, in one unforgettable evening, gives back to him the dangerous edge of memory cuts through Ned's self-delusion and empowers him finally to frame the questions that have haunted him . and the world - for thirty years...

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Coronet Books

Rok vydania: 1991

Edícia: Smiley

Zväzok: 8

Počet strán: 352

Formát: 110 x 175

ISBN: 0-340-55205-0


EAN: 9780340552056

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 200 g

Jazyk: en