The Phantom of the Opera
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The Phantom of the Opera

Gaston Leroux

Rok vydania: 1995

Vydavateľ: Penguin books

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O knihe:

When the new managers of the Paris Opera House ignore their predecessors' warnings about the hideous 'Opera ghost' stalking the theatre, it is a fatal mistake. The Phantom haunts the imagination of the beautiful and talented singer Christine Daaé, appearing to her as the 'Angel of Music' - a disembodied voice, coaching her to sing as she never could before. When Christine is courted by a handsome young Viscount, the Phantom is consumed by jealousy and seeks revenge. And when Christine suddenly disappears after a triumphant singing performance, it becomes clear that the Phantom's time has come.

Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Penguin books

Rok vydania: 1995

Edícia: Penguin Popular Classic

Počet strán: 270

Formát: 110 x 185

ISBN: 0-14-062174-1


EAN: 9780140621747

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 169 g

Jazyk: en