The Legacy
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The Legacy

Stephen Frey

Rok vydania: 1998

Vydavateľ: Dutton

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O knihe:

A heart-stopping thriller by the New York Times bestselling author of The TakeoverCole Egan is hard at work at Gilchrist & Company, a powerful investment bank, desperate to discover the trade that will help launch him out of debt and secure his job, when he receives a telephone call that will change his life forever. An unidentified voice tells Cole that his father has died, and that at the reception desk there is a package waiting for him. In it, Cole finds his father's death certificate, and a key.Cole follows the cryptic instructions inside the package, and locates the safety deposit box that matches the key. When he retrieves the video inside, Cole discovers the valuable legacy his father has left him -- a tape of the John F. Kennedy assassination, filmed from the opposite side of Dealey Plaza -- a tape that offers absolute proof that Lee Harvey Oswald hadn't acted alone, if at all...

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Dutton

Rok vydania: 1998

Vydanie: 1

Počet strán: 296

Formát: 160 x 240

ISBN: 0-525-94207-6


EAN: 9780525942078

Väzba: tvrdá, s prebalom

Orientačná váha: 550 g

Jazyk: en