The Killer Angels
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The Killer Angels

Michael Shaara

Rok vydania: 1996

Vydavateľ: Ballantine

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O knihe:

In the four most bloody and courageous days of our nation's history, two armies fought for two dreams. One dreamed of freedom, the other of a way of life. Far more than rifles and bullets were carried into battle. There were memories. There were promises. There was love. And far more than men fell on those Pennsylvania fields. Shattered futures, forgotten innocence, and crippled beauty were also the casualties of war. The Killer Angels is unique, sweeping, unforgettable–”a dramatic re-creation of the battleground for America's destiny.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Ballantine

Rok vydania: 1996

Počet strán: 376

Formát: 135 x 205

ISBN: 0-345-40727-X


EAN: 9780345407276

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 366 g

Jazyk: en