O knihe:

High fashion, low cunning - and the boss from hell. When Andrea first sets foot in the plush Manhattan offices of Runway she knows nothing. She's never heard of the world's most fashionable magazine, or its feared and fawned-over editor, Miranda Priestly - her new boss. A year later, she knows altogether too much: That it's a sacking offence to wear anything lower than a three-inch heel to work. That you can charge cars, manicures, anything at all to the Runway account, but you must never, ever, leave your desk, or let Miranda's coffee get cold. And that at 3 a.m. on a Sunday, when your boyfriend's dumping you because you're always at work, if Miranda phones, you jump. But this is Andrea's big break - it's going to be worth it in the end. Isn't it?

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Harper

Rok vydania: 2003

Počet strán: 392

Formát: 130 x 200

ISBN: 0-00-715610-3


EAN: 9780007156108

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 268 g

Jazyk: en