The Dark Shore; The Waiting Sands; Call in the Night
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The Dark Shore; The Waiting Sands; Call in the Night


Susan Howatch

Rok vydania: 2003

Vydavateľ: Time Warner

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O knihe:

"The Dark Shore": Was it an accident that befell Sophia, millionaire Jon Tower's first wife, that weekend in Cornwell? Sarah Hamilton--on her honeymoon with Jon--finds dreams of a bright future turning into a nightmare replay of those mysterious events 10 years before that led to Sophia's death.

"The Waiting Sands": Out of the blue, dependable Rachael Lord is invited to Ruthven--a fairy tale Scottish castle--and the inheritance, on coming of age, of her friend Decima. A 21st birthday celebration is planned although the atmosphere is anything but festive.

"Call in the Night": From halfway round the world Clare Sullivan obeys a desperate summons from her glamorous sister Gina and flies to Paris. But once arrived, there is no Gina. Her trail leads to Garth Cooper--a boyfriend of Gina's--who seems to have a terrible secret to hide. What sinister reason could explain Gina's disappearance?

Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Time Warner

Rok vydania: 2003

Formát: 110 x 180

ISBN: 0-7515-3512-5


EAN: 9780751535129

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 319 g

Jazyk: en