The Armada Legacy
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The Armada Legacy

Scott Mariani

Rok vydania: 2013

Vydavateľ: Avon

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O knihe:

A sunken secret. A missing woman. A race against time.

Former SAS major Ben Hope is relaxing at his home in Normandy when he hears the worst news of his life. His ex-girlfriend Dr Brooke Marcel has been kidnapped.

Racing against the clock, Ben–™s frantic search for Brooke leads him from Ireland to the Spanish mountains and the rainforests of Peru.

What is the mysterious link between the kidnapping, the salvage of a sunken 16th-century Spanish warship and the secret activities of its wealthy discoverer?

As the trail of wreckage and mayhem intensifies, Ben soon uncovers a web of intrigue, corruption and brutal murder.
But will he be too late to find Brooke alive?

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Avon

Rok vydania: 2013

Počet strán: 420

Formát: 130 x 200

ISBN: 978-0-00-739843-0


EAN: 9780007398430

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 311 g

Jazyk: en