číslo produktu:206021
rezervujRok vydania: 1993
Vydavateľ: American Chemical Society
Presents recent research on supercritical fluids in the generation and prediction of phase behavior, thermodynamics, and transport properties needed to design processes using supercritical fluids. Examines both binary and multicomponent fluids and processes. Covers a broad range of applications in polymers, pharmaceuticals, coal and petroleum products, environmental remediation, and chromatography. Reports recent developments in molecular interactions, modeling, and computer simulations.
Vydavateľstvo: American Chemical Society
Rok vydania: 1993
Edícia: ACS Symposium Series
Počet strán: 412
Formát: 155 x 235
ISBN: 0-8412-2513-3
Väzba: tvrdá, bez prebalu
Orientačná váha: 676 g
Jazyk: en