Stem Cells and CNS Development

číslo produktu:104574


Stem Cells and CNS Development


Rok vydania: 2001

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

Stem Cells and CNS Development critically reviews recent findings on stem cells, their involvement in neurogenesis and gliogenesis, and the therapeutic implications of these findings. It defines by consensus the classes of stem cells in the nervous system, compares their similarities and differences, discusses the gains made in identifying human homologs of neural stem cells, and describes how these cells are beginning to be used for therapeutic purposes. Comprehensive and cutting-edge, this book provides all developmental scientists and neurobiologists not only an authoritative account of the current results in neural stem cell research, but also an incisive review of the rapidly emerging therapeutic uses of stem cells.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2001

ISBN: 978-0-89603-886-8


Väzba: tvrdá