Sourcebook of Occupational Rehabilitation

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Sourcebook of Occupational Rehabilitation


Rok vydania: 1999

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

Experts from academia, clinical settings, and the business world pool their knowledge about work injury prevention and management in the new Sourcebook of Occupational Rehabilitation. The 22 contributions in this wide-ranging reference address aspects of the three primary areas of service delivery: prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation. The text takes a multidisciplinary viewpoint toward its subject in order to shed light on the mechanisms and management of work-related disorders. It boasts a wealth of current and in-depth information, and takes a practical `applications approach' to rehabilitation

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 1999

ISBN: 978-0-306-45842-2


Väzba: tvrdá