číslo produktu:171287
rezervujRok vydania: 2011
Vydavateľ: Doubleday
V prípade dlhodobého záujmu si urobte REZERVÁCIU a my vám odložíme žiadaný kus.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a policeman taking a holiday would barely have had time to open his suitcase before he finds his first corpse. And Commander Sam Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch is on holiday in the pleasant and innocent countryside, but not for him a mere body in the wardrobe. There are many, many bodies and an ancient crime more terrible than murder. He is out of his jurisdiction, out of his depth, out of bacon sandwiches, occasionally snookered and out of his mind, but never out of guile. Where there is a crime there must be a finding, there must be a chase and there must be a punishment. They say that in the end all sins are forgiven. But not quite all...
Vydavateľstvo: Doubleday
Rok vydania: 2011
Počet strán: 384
Formát: 160 x 240
ISBN: 978-0-385-61926-4
EAN: 9780385619264
Väzba: tvrdá, s prebalom
Orientačná váha: 678 g
Jazyk: en