Secrets from the Past
ilustračné foto

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Secrets from the Past

Barbara Taylor Bradford

Rok vydania: 2013

Vydavateľ: Harper

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O knihe:

At thirty, American photojournalist Serena Stone has already made a name for herself with her unique and dramatic coverage of wars in the Middle East, following in her famous father–™s footsteps. But after his unexpected death in France, she ends her job at the renowned photo news agency, weary of years of danger. Leaving the front lines behind, Serena returns to New York where she starts work on a biography of her celebrated father. When Serena discovers that her former lover Zachary North is in trouble overseas, she´s forced to leave the safety of her new life, and head back to a place she was trying to escape... and her life will never be the same again. As she brings Zac back to health in Venice, she discovers a shocking secret in the archives of her late father–™s work. It is a secret that will propel her back to war-torn Libya, risking her life looking for clues that she hopes will piece together the mystery surrounding her parents–™ marriage and the part of their life together that she never knew.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Harper

Rok vydania: 2013

Počet strán: 402

Formát: 130 x 200

ISBN: 978-0-00-730418-9


EAN: 9780007304189

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 302 g

Jazyk: en