Schlieren and Shadowgraph Techniques

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Schlieren and Shadowgraph Techniques


Rok vydania: 2006

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques are basic and valuable tools in various scientific and engineering disciplines. They allow us to see the invisible: the optical inhomogeneities in transparent media like air, water, and glass that otherwise cause only ghostly distortions of our normal vision. These techniques are discussed briefly in many books and papers, but there is no up-to-date complete treatment of the subject before now. The book is intended as a practical guide for those who want to use these methods, as well as a resource for a broad range of disciplines where scientific visualization is important. The colorful 400-year history of these methods is covered in an extensive introductory chapter accessible to all readers.

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2006

Vydanie: 1st ed. 20

ISBN: 978-3-540-66155-9


Väzba: tvrdá