Safe Haven
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Safe Haven

Nicholas Sparks

Rok vydania: 2011

Vydavateľ: Sphere

Kniha je momentálne nedostupná.

V prípade dlhodobého záujmu si urobte REZERVÁCIU a my vám odložíme žiadaný kus.

O knihe:

Love hurts. There is nothing as painful as heartbreak.
But in order to learn to love again, you must learn to trust again.
When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful yet unassuming, Katie is determined to avoid forming personal ties until a series of events draws her into two reluctant relationships.
Despite her reservations, Katie slowly begins to lower her guard, putting down roots in the close-knit community. But even as Katie starts to fall in love, she struggles with the dark secret
that still haunts her ..

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Sphere

Rok vydania: 2011

Počet strán: 390

Formát: 125 x 195

ISBN: 978-0-7515-4299-8


EAN: 9780751542998

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 314 g

Jazyk: en