číslo produktu:208943
rezervujRok vydania: 2019
Vydavateľ: Pan Books
V prípade dlhodobého záujmu si urobte REZERVÁCIU a my vám odložíme žiadaný kus.
FBI consultant Amos Decker returns to the scene of a family tragedy in a grim act of commemoration, and is confronted
by more than just painful memories: A felon on a mission.
When Decker returns to Burlington, Ohio, he is tracked down by his first homicide arrest, Meryl Hawkins, a man who still
maintains his innocence. A rookie's mistake.
With Hawkins recently released from his life sentence, Decker finds himself questioning what had once seemed watertight evidence. Is the real killer still out there? A murderer at large.
As the body count rises in a new crime spree, Decker and his former partner Mary Lancaster dig deeper and reopen the old case - and old wounds.
Vydavateľstvo: Pan Books
Rok vydania: 2019
Edícia: Amos Decker
Zväzok: 5
Počet strán: 642
Formát: 125 x 195
ISBN: 978-1509874415
EAN: 9781509874415
Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu
Orientačná váha: 462 g
Jazyk: en