Physics and Applications of Optical Solitons in Fibres '95

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Physics and Applications of Optical Solitons in Fibres '95


Rok vydania: 1996

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

This book contains the invited papers presented at The International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Optical Solitons in Fibres held in Kyoto, Japan, November 14-17, 1995. The symposium focuses on the most recent progress in the application of optical solitons for ultra-high-speed communication. Fibre-based optical communication is making remarkable progress both in the speed and the distance of propagation. Here, the optical soliton is regarded as a powerful candidate because of its stable waveform even in the picosecond pulse range. The symposium attracted the world's leading experts on the subject and presented the most recent research results.

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 1996

ISBN: 978-0-7923-4155-0


Väzba: tvrdá