Physico-Chemical Aspects of Food Processing

číslo produktu:137689


Physico-Chemical Aspects of Food Processing


Rok vydania: 1996

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

"This book provides an in-depth study of the changes which occur in the components of food when they are subjected to processing. The book is divided into two distinct parts. in the first part the fundamental changes are examined from a scientific point of view. These include: Vapor pressure and water activity; Glass transition; Emulsion technology; Maillard (Browning) reaction; Rheology; Foams; Gells and gelling; Fat eutectics and crystallization; Surface effects; Fermentation; Change in cell structure. In the second part of the book these changes are reviewed as to how they are important to different parts of the food industry. Chapters included concern: Dairy products; Cakes, baking, and bread making; Meat and fish; Fruits and vegetables; Preserves and jellies; Sugar and confectionery; Chocolate; Extruded products; Sauces, pickles, and condiments; Alcoholic drinks; and Multicomponent products."

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 1996

ISBN: 978-0-7514-0240-7


Väzba: tvrdá