Organ Microcirculation

číslo produktu:103568


Organ Microcirculation


Rok vydania: 2005

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

The concept of microcirculation means not only the assembly of small vessels-those of less than 100 um in diameter, but also its functional circulatory and metabolic units. Its principal function is to permit the transfer of substances between the tissues and the circulation, making it a fundamental factor in disease processes, including the spread of cancer, delayed healing, circulatory shock, and complications of diabetes . Organ Microcirculation: A Gateway to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions covers the latest developments in nano-biotechnology for microvascular interventions, gastroduodenal microcirculation and disease, liver microvascular research, cell adhesion and traffic in micmcirculation, and the sensing and bioregulation of gaseous molecules in microcirculation . It provides invaluable information for those engaged in microvascular research in the fields of pharmacology, physiology, gastroenterology, and bioengineering.

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2005

ISBN: 978-4-431-22135-7


Väzba: tvrdá