Observation, Prediction and Simulation of Phase Transitions in Complex Fluids

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Observation, Prediction and Simulation of Phase Transitions in Complex Fluids


Rok vydania: 1995

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

Observation, Prediction and Simulation of Phase Transitions in Complex Fluids presents an overview of the phase transitions that occur in a variety of soft-matter systems: colloidal suspensions of spherical or rod-like particles and their mixtures, directed polymers and polymer blends, colloid--polymer mixtures, and liquid-forming mesogens. This modern and fascinating branch of condensed matter physics is presented from three complementary viewpoints. The first section, written by experimentalists, emphasises the observation of basic phenomena (by light scattering, for example). The second section, written by theoreticians, focuses on the necessary theoretical tools (density functional theory, path integrals, free energy expansions). The third section is devoted to the results of modern simulation techniques (Gibbs ensemble, free energy calculations, configurational bias Monte Carlo). The interplay between the disciplines is clearly illustrated. For all those interested in modern research in equilibrium statistical mechanics.

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 1995

ISBN: 978-0-7923-3439-2


Väzba: tvrdá