North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs III

číslo produktu:134911


North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs III


Rok vydania: 1994

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

Oil and gas have been produced from North Sea reservoirs for over two decades. The economic and technological challenges posed by the North Sea have necessitated a continuing development of refined geological and reservoir technical methods for reservoir evaluation and management. This book, which is the third in a series, brings together the specialists involved in this development in an attempt to summarize current knowledge of North Sea reservoirs and the techniques used to analyse their geological and fluid dynamic properties. Particular emphasis is placed on the interdependence of the disciplines involved in reservoir development and on synergistic approaches to reservoir research. Topics covered in this volume include detailed reviews of North Sea reservoirs, improved seismic methods for reservoir description, geological reservoir heterogeneity with special emphasis on fault modelling fluid--rock interactions and the near-well environment, geostatistical methods and reservoir simulation.

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 1994

ISBN: 978-0-7923-2304-4


Väzba: tvrdá