Nanometer CMOS ICs

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Nanometer CMOS ICs


Rok vydania: 2008

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

CMOS technologies account for almost 90% of all integrated circuits (ICs). This book provides an essential introduction to nanometer CMOS ICs. The contents of this book are based upon several previous publications and editions entitled 'MOS ICs' and 'Deep-Submicron CMOS ICs'. Nanometer CMOS ICs is fully updated and is not just a copy-and-paste of previous material. It includes aspects of scaling up to and beyond 32nm CMOS technologies and designs. It clearly describes the fundamental CMOS operating principles and presents substantial insight into the various aspects of design implementation and application. In contrast to other works on this topic, the book explores all associated disciplines of nanometer CMOS ICs, including physics, design, technology, yield, packaging, less-power design, variability, reliability and signal integrity. Finally it also includes extensive discussions on the trends and challenges for further scaling. The text is based upon in-house Philips and NXP Semiconductors courseware, which, to date, has been completed by more than 3000 engineers working in a large variety of related disciplines: architecture, design, test, process, packaging, failure analysis and software. Carefully structured and enriched by in-depth exercises, hundreds of colour figures and photographs and many references, the book is well-suited for the purpose of self-study.

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2008

ISBN: 978-1-4020-8332-7


Väzba: tvrdá