Medicinal Plants of the World, Volume 2

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Medicinal Plants of the World, Volume 2


Rok vydania: 2001

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

An extraordinary compendium of information on herbal medicine, Medicinal Plants of the World, Volume 2 comprehensively documents the medicinal value of twenty-four major plants species widely used around the world in medical formulations. The book's exhaustive summary of available scientific data for the plants provides detailed information on how each plant is used in different countries, describing both traditional therapeutic applications and what is known from its use in clinical trials. A comprehensive bibliography of over 3000 references cites the literature available from a wide range of disciplines. This book offers an unprecedented collection of vital scientific information for pharmacologists, herbal medicine practitioners, drug developers, medicinal chemists, phytochemists, toxicologists, and researchers who want to explore the use of plant materials for medicinal and related purposes.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2001

ISBN: 978-0-89603-877-6


Väzba: tvrdá