Materials for Information Technology

číslo produktu:126836


Materials for Information Technology


Rok vydania: 2005

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

"The fast-developing information technology industry is driving a need for new materials to facilitate the development of more reliable microelectronic products. This book is an overview of current developments and R and D activities in the field of materials used for IT with a focus on future applications. Included are materials for: silicon-based semiconductor devices (including high-k gate dielectric materials); nonvolatile memories; on-chip interconnects and interlayer dielectrics (including silicides, barrier materials, low-k and ultra low-k dielectric materials); and assembly and packaging. The latest results in materials science and engineering as well as applications in the semiconductor industry are covered, including the synthesis of blanket and patterned thin film materials, their properties, constitution, structure, and microstructure. Computer modeling and analytical techniques to characterize thin film structures are also included for a comprehensive survey of materials for the IT industry."

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2005

ISBN: 978-1-85233-941-8


Väzba: tvrdá