Love You Dead
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Love You Dead

Roy Grace 12

Peter James

Rok vydania: 2016

Vydavateľ: Pan Books

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O knihe:

An ugly duckling as a child, Jodie Bentley had two dreams in life - to be beautiful and rich. She's achieved the first, with a little help from a plastic surgeon, and now she's working hard on the second. Her philosophy on money is simple: you can either earn it or marry it. Marrying is easy, it's getting rid of the husband afterwards that's harder, that takes real skill. But hey, practice makes perfect...

Detective Superintendent Roy Grace is feeling the pressure from his superiors, his previous case is still giving him sleepless nights, there have been major developments with his missing wife Sandy, and an old adversary is back. But worse than all of this, he now believes a Black Widow is operating in his city. One with a venomous mind ...and venomous skills. Soon Grace comes to the frightening realization that he may have underestimated just how dangerous this lady is.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Pan Books

Rok vydania: 2016

Edícia: Roy Grace

Zväzok: 12

Počet strán: 550

Formát: 130 x 195

ISBN: 978-1-4472-5589-5


EAN: 9781447255895

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 394 g

Jazyk: en