Kingdom of Strangers
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Kingdom of Strangers

Zoë Ferraris

Rok vydania: 2013

Vydavateľ: Abacus

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O knihe:

A secret grave in the desert is unearthed revealing the mutilated bodies of nineteen women and the shocking truth that a serial killer has been operating undetected in Jeddah for more than a decade.

However, lead inspector Ibrahim Zahrani, is distracted by a mystery closer to home. His mistress has suddenly disappeared, but he cannot report her missing, since adultery is punishable by death. With nowhere to turn, Ibrahim brings the case to Katya, one of the few women on the force. Drawn into both investigations, she must be increasingly careful to hide a secret of her own.

Portraying the lives of women in one of the most closed cultures in the world, award-winning author Zoë Ferraris weaves a tale of psychological suspense that delves into the darkest corners of the Saudi underworld.

Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Abacus

Rok vydania: 2013

Počet strán: 406

Formát: 130 x 200

ISBN: 978-0-349-00015-2


EAN: 9780349000152

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 329 g

Jazyk: en