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Robert Louis Stevenson

Rok vydania: 1994

Vydavateľ: Penguin books

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O knihe:

David Balfour is a canny eighteen year old, who is keen to seek his fortune. He sets out from the lowlands of Scotland to meet his mysterious relative, in search of work and 'whatere he may find'. His adventures begin at almost at once, and dark family secrets are soon only the starting point for an adventure that is a sort of Scottish Odyssey.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Penguin books

Rok vydania: 1994

Edícia: Penguin Popular Classics

Počet strán: 226

Formát: 110 x 185

ISBN: 0-14-062106-7


EAN: 9780140621068

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 136 g

Jazyk: en