Impacts of Megaconferences on the Water Sector

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Impacts of Megaconferences on the Water Sector


Rok vydania: 2009

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

Since the late 1990s, megaconferences in the water-related sectors have become regular occurrences. The latest one, in Mexico City, in March 2006, is estimated to have cost $205 million, and had 19,000+ participants. In spite of such huge costs, not a single water megaconference has ever been evaluated in terms of its overall impacts on the water sector. The book is the first pioneering study to assess the impacts of the megaconferences on water policies, programmes and projects at global, regional and national levels. The results are bleak. The evaluation indicated that except for the UN Water Conference, held in Argentina in 1977, the impacts of the subsequent megaconferences have been at best marginal in terms of knowledge generation and synthesis, poverty alleviation, and/or environmental conservation.

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2009

ISBN: 978-3-540-37223-3


Väzba: tvrdá