číslo produktu:206296
rezervujRok vydania: 1996
Vydavateľ: American Chemical Society
Reviews the recent developments in the behavior of surfactant modified, water-soluble polymers in aqueous solutions. Discusses the use of water-soluble polymers in biodegradable and biological systems and the development of unique hydrogels and new nonassociative water-soluble polymers. Valuable reading for polymer chemists and engineers interested in personal care products, coatings, and detergents, as well as scientists interested in petroleum recovery and water treatment.
Vydavateľstvo: American Chemical Society
Rok vydania: 1996
Edícia: Advances in Chemistry Series
Zväzok: 248
Počet strán: 516
Formát: 155 x 235
ISBN: 0-8412-3133-8
EAN: 9780841231337
Väzba: tvrdá, bez prebalu
Orientačná váha: 836 g
Jazyk: en