Globalization and Children

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Globalization and Children


Rok vydania: 2002

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

The primary aim of Globalization and Children is to present an interdisciplinary analysis of a diverse set of global changes and their effects on the everyday lives of children. Contributors offer guidelines which will enable researchers, policy makers, and other child advocates to increase their understanding of how global change is affecting children and which interventions would be useful in understanding and developing policies that would advance the well-being of children. The book explores and explains how children have been excluded from our conceptualization of the world and our research about globalization. The contributors represent a variety of perspectives from different disciplines including anthropology, sociology, psychology, politics, international relations, law, and economics. Globalization and Children will be an indispensable resource for practitioners and policy makers who are concerned with children and child-related issues, psychologists, sociologists, social workers, and upper-level students in anthropology, sociology, psychology, and education.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2002

ISBN: 978-0-306-47368-5


Väzba: tvrdá