Fluid Mechanics of Mixing

číslo produktu:154860


Fluid Mechanics of Mixing


Rok vydania: 1992

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

This volume is a selection of the edited papers presented at the 7th European Mixing Congress. It is concerned exclusively with mixing in circular section vessels, using centrally mounted paddles or similar impellers. The contents are arranged under three classifications: Modelling of Mixing Processes, Mixing Operations, and Experimental Techniques. This arrangement will assist the reader in identifying the topic area by function or application, rather than by technology. In this volume the sections on Modelling contain papers which focus on the representation of the mixing process, whether by equation, scale-up criteria, or fluid dynamic simulation. Similarly, Mixing Operations are concerned with the application or function of the mixing process, such as mass transfer, heat transfer or mixing time. Experimental Techniques addresses the tools the researcher needs to use at the data gathering experimental stage. It collects together advances made in the various methods used by some of the foremost researchers, and indicates those areas still in need of additional instrumentation or methods of data reduction. The volume will be of interest to engineering researchers, designers and users of mixing equipment, and to those planning research and development programmes, who wish to keep up to date with advances in the basic technology and its applications.

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 1992

ISBN: 978-0-7923-1720-3


Väzba: tvrdá