Electronic Properties of Materials

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Electronic Properties of Materials


Rok vydania: 2005

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

"This text on the electrical, optical, magnetic, and thermal properties of materials stresses concepts rather than mathematical formalism. Suitable for advanced undergraduates, it is intended for materials and electrical engineers who want to gain a fundamental understanding of alloys, semiconductor devices, lasers, magnetic materials, and so forth. The book is organized to be used in a one-semester course; to that end each section of applications, after the introduction to the fundamentals of electron theory, can be read independently of the others. Many examples from engineering practice serve to provide an understanding of common devices and methods. Among the modern applications covered are: high-temperature superconductors, optoelectronic materials, semiconductor device fabrication, xerography, magneto-optic memories, and amorphous ferromagnetics. This third edition has been revised and updated throughout and includes new sections on thermoelectric phenomena; piezoelectric, ferroelectric, and electrostrictive materials; and liquid-crystal and other flat-panel displays."

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2005

Vydanie: 3rd ed. 20

ISBN: 978-0-387-95144-7


Väzba: tvrdá