Electron Scattering

číslo produktu:142366


Electron Scattering


Rok vydania: 2005

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

"Topics that are covered include electron scattering in the scanning TEM; basic theory of inelastic electron imaging; study of confined atoms by electron excitation; helium bubbles created in extreme pressure with application to nuclear safety; lithium ion implantation; electron and positron scattering from clusters; electron scattering from physi- and chemi-absorbed molecules on surfaces; coincidence studies; electron scattering from biological molecules; electron spectroscopy as a tool for environmental science; electron scattering in the presence of intense fields; electron scattering from astrophysical molecules; electon interatctions an detection of x-ray radiation. "

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2005

ISBN: 978-0-306-48701-9


Väzba: tvrdá