Dust to Dust
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Dust to Dust

Kovac and Liska 2

Tami Hoag

Rok vydania: 2001

Vydavateľ: Orion Books

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O knihe:

The death of internal affairs investigator Andy Paxton is a potential political bomb for the Minneapolis Police Department. Paxton was investigating a possible cop connection in the brutal murder of another officer. The pressure is on from the top brass to close the case as soon as possible but Sam Kovac is not convinced the case is as straightforward as it appears.

As he digs deeper, it is looking very much like Paxton discovered something that got him killed. And he might not be the final victim...

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Orion Books

Rok vydania: 2001

Edícia: Kovac and Liska

Zväzok: 2

Počet strán: 422

Formát: 110 x 175

ISBN: 0-75284-333-8


EAN: 9780752843339

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 242 g

Jazyk: en