O knihe:

Who is more foolish - the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?

Baba Lavelle is a stranger in New York. A stranger with a mission to break the Mafia stranglehold on the city's drug traffic, and take it over himself. He has no guns, no army of hoods, no friends in high places. But he has the Power - magical, ancient, and terrifyingly brutal. The power that thrives in darkness…

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Headline

Rok vydania: 1990

Počet strán: 352

Formát: 110 x 175

ISBN: 9-9999-8055-4


EAN: 9789999980555

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 191 g

Jazyk: en

Originálny názov: Darkness Comes