O knihe:

The rise of religious cults and sinister sects has been a disturbing phenomenon of the twentieth century that has continued past the millennial rumblings of the apocalypse approaching. "Cults" examines the prophecies and practices of these controversial groups, the essence of their appeal and the experiences of those who were once members. The main part of the book is taken up with modern cults, but this is set in context by the coverage of extreme religious groups of earlier ages.

Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Carlton

Rok vydania: 2007

Počet strán: 160

Formát: 205 x 270

ISBN: 978-1-84442-879-3


EAN: 9781844428793

Väzba: tvrdá, s prebalom

Orientačná váha: 785 g

Jazyk: en