Bottom Liner Blues
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číslo produktu:183690


Bottom Liner Blues

K. C. Constantine

Rok vydania: 1994

Vydavateľ: Time Warner

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O knihe:

With its shut-down mines, with its scarred and restive blue-collar descendants of Eastern European and Italian immigrants, Rocksburg, Pennsylvania, is in the midst of tough times. And no one has it tougher than its own police chief, Mario Balzic. Working harder and longer hours than he ever did in his long-ago rookie days, Balzic again pilots a black-and-white through the town´s brooding streets. The recent death of his mother, whose warm presence is especially missed by his wife Ruth, doesn´t make it easier. Balzic answers a call: a strange woman, Valery, mother of a young daughter named Coo, warns that her violent husband may exact a brutal form of revenge on a truck-driver with a shady past. She wants Balzic to head off the attack, but supplies few details. Balzic senses worse trouble ahead than suggested by Valery - and events prove Balzic´s instincts apocalyptically correct.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Time Warner

Rok vydania: 1994

Vydanie: 1

Počet strán: 264

Formát: 105 x 170

ISBN: 0-446-40372-5


EAN: 9780446403726

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 130 g

Jazyk: en