Biosensors and Their Applications

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Biosensors and Their Applications


Rok vydania: 2000

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

A biosensor is a device in which a bioactive layer lies in direct contact with a transducer whose responses to change in the bioactive layer generate eloctronic signals for interpretation. The bioactive layer may consist of membrane-bound enzymes, anti-bodies, or receptors. The potential of this blend of electronics and biotechnology includes the direct assay of clinically important substrates (e.g. blood glucose) and of substances too unstable for storage or whose concentrations fluctuate rapidly. Written by the leading researchers in the field, this book reflects the most current developments in successfully constructing a biosensor. Major applications are in the fields of pharmacology, molecular biology, virology and electronics.

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2000

ISBN: 978-0-306-46087-6


Väzba: tvrdá