Biological Imaging and Sensing

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Biological Imaging and Sensing


Rok vydania: 2004

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

This book provides an excellent survey of and introduction to new methods of biological imaging and sensing. The main topics discussed are cell imaging, multiphoton microscopy for biomedical studies, molecular imaging, infrared imaging, biomedical magnetic imaging and microscopy with laser-trapped particles. The book also deals with nanosurgery with light, the effects of ultrasound on tissue, diagnostics, near- and far-infrared transmission of biomedical information, and cell sensors. This book will be a valuable resource for both medical doctors and biophysicists.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 2004

ISBN: 978-3-540-43898-4


Väzba: tvrdá