Berlin Game
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číslo produktu:184280


Berlin Game

Len Deighton

Rok vydania: 1983

Vydavateľ: Hutchinson

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O knihe:

When a valuable agent behind the Iron Curtain signals he wants out, it´s up to Bernard Samson, once active in the field but now anchored to a London desk, to undertake the crucial rescue. But soon, Samson is confronted with evidence that there is a traitor among his colleagues. And to find out who it is, he must sift through layers of lies and follow a web of treachery from London to Berlin until hero and traitor collide.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Hutchinson

Rok vydania: 1983

Vydanie: 1

Počet strán: 304

Formát: 140 x 220

ISBN: 978-0345418-34-0


Väzba: tvrdá, s prebalom

Orientačná váha: 477 g

Jazyk: en