číslo produktu:193595
rezervujRok vydania: 1994
Vydavateľ: Penguin books
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Phileas Fogg is the most laconic and orderly of men. His house in Saville Row is run like clockwork and his routine is meticulous. Passepartout, his new servant, is looking for a quiet life, but he is to be disappointed: on the very day he is employed, his master tells him to pack at once for a journey around the world. At his club that day, Fogg bet half his fortune that he could travel the world in an easterly direction in eighty days; so he and Passepartout begin their voyage. But Detective Fix of Scotland yard finds it coincidental that Fogg should want to escape England in such a hurry while there is a robber on the loose. Convinced they are one and the same person he joins them on the first leg of their epic travels. A race against time to save face and fortune, Around the World in Eighty Days is both a thrilling and humorous adventure and a classic story of travel in an age gone by.
Vydavateľstvo: Penguin books
Rok vydania: 1994
Edícia: Penguin Popular Classics
Počet strán: 246
Formát: 115 x 180
ISBN: 0-14-062032-X
EAN: 9780140620320
Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu
Jazyk: en
Originálny názov: Le Tour du monde en quatrevingts jours
Preklad: Jacqueline Rogers