číslo produktu:196291
rezervujRok vydania: 1996
Vydavateľ: Penguin books
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Although the Greek slave Aesop was executed over 2,000 years ago, his fables continue to exert a strong influence on readers of all ages. They are well known to children even before they can read and form an essential part of our moral education, while the language they use has been absorbed into our most colloquial speech. Expressions such as `to cry wolf , `be a dog in the manger' or `sour grapes' have become shorthand for behaviour that is unwise, unjust or downright deplorable. As readers, we can learn from the exploits of the sly fox, the greedy wolf and the foolish ass, but Aesop also wanted to point out the cruelty and vanity of mankind, and this he achieves with wit, clarity and wisdom. This collection contains the most famous fables of Aesop. Together they present a moral framework that has remained unchanged throughout the centuries.
Vydavateľstvo: Penguin books
Rok vydania: 1996
Edícia: Penguin Popular Classics
Počet strán: 212
Formát: 115 x 185
ISBN: 0-14-062128-8
EAN: 9780140621280
Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu
Orientačná váha: 129 g
Jazyk: en