Advances in Intelligent Systems

číslo produktu:117948


Advances in Intelligent Systems


Rok vydania: 1999

Vydavateľ: Springer

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O knihe:

"The field of Intelligent Systems has expanded enormously during the last two decades with many theoretical and practical results already available, which are the outcome of the synergetic merging of classical fields such as system theory, artificial intelligence, information theory, soft computing, operations research, linguistic theory and others. This book presents a collection of timely contributions that cover a wide, well-selected range of topics within the field. The book contains forty-seven contributions with an emphasis on computational and processing issues. The book is structured in four parts, as follows: Part I: Computer-aided intelligent systems and tools; Part II: Information extraction from texts, natural language interfaces and intelligent retrieval systems; Part III: Image processing and video-based systems; Part IV: Applications Particular topics treated include: planning; problem solving; information extraction from texts; natural language interfaces; audio retrieval systems; multi-agent systems; image compression, image and segmentation, and human face recognition. Applications include: peri-urban road network extraction; analysis of structures; climatic sensor signal analysis; aortic pressure assessment; hospital laboratory planning; fatigue analysis using electromyographic signals; forecasting in power systems. The book can serve as a reference pool of knowledge that may inspire and motivate researchers and practitioners for further developments and modern-day applications. The teacher and student in related postgraduate and research programs can thereby save considerable time in searching the scattered literature in the field."

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Vydavateľstvo: Springer

Rok vydania: 1999

ISBN: 978-0-7923-5966-1


Väzba: tvrdá