A Devil's Chaplain
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A Devil's Chaplain

Selected Essays

Richard Dawkins

Rok vydania: 2004

Vydavateľ: Phoenix

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O knihe:

Richard Dawkins is one of the finest minds in science, and in this superb collection of essays and letters, he demonstrates the depth of his knowledge and the rich variety of his interests. Whether he is examining postmodernism or the Human Genome Project, penning a letter to his daughter, or writing a moving eulogy to Douglas Adams and Stephen Jay Gould, Dawkins writes with an intellectual vigour and grace that is second to none. This is a very human collection that shows not only the acuity of Dawkins' scientific mind, but also his sense of humour and the warmth of his relationships with friends and family.

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Phoenix

Rok vydania: 2004

Počet strán: 310

Formát: 130 x 195

ISBN: 978-0-7538-1750-6


EAN: 9780753817506

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 219 g

Jazyk: en