The Cat´s Table
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The Cat´s Table

Michael Ondaatje

Rok vydania: 2012

Vydavateľ: Vintage

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O knihe:

´What had there been before such a ship in my life? A dugout canoe on a river journey? A launch in Trincomalee harbour? There were always fishing boats on our horizon. But I could never have imagined the grandeur of this castle that was to cross the sea.´ In the early 1950s, eleven-year-old Michael boards a huge liner in Colombo bound for England. At mealtime he is seated at the lowly ´cat´s table´ –” as far from the Captain´s Table as can be –” with a ragtag group of adults and two other boys, Cassius and Ramadhin. As the ship crosses the Indian Ocean the boys tumble from one adventure to another, and at night they spy on a shackled prisoner –” his crime and fate a mystery that will haunt them forever...

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Podrobnosti o titule (výrobné údaje):

Vydavateľstvo: Vintage

Rok vydania: 2012

Vydanie: 5

Počet strán: 372

Formát: 130 x 200

ISBN: 978-0-099-55442-4


EAN: 9780099554424

Väzba: mäkká, bez prebalu

Orientačná váha: 279 g

Jazyk: en